We do not have an official family crest that we can call "our own".
A family crest is registered to an individual, and only his immediate family have the right to use that design. Ownership can be passed to the eldest male descendant. A crest is not normally registered to a family or group that use the same family name.
The family crest we display on these pages is the one that Anoine FAURE brought to South Africa in 1714. Officially it expired as an active, recognised, family crest 2 generations later as there were no immediate direct male descendants.
Tradition has it that variations of a family crest was created and regsitered by other family members and that these new crests were passed on to the oldest male descendant. The current trend, in Europe in particular, is to create a totally new crest with no relation with older family crests.
Here are some of the other Faure family crests we have found.